I’m fascinated by the topic of changing one’s life, because I changed my own and I help others to do the same. I found the most convincing methods set out by BJ Fogg, a head of Persuasive Lab at the
How to Become the Best Version of Yourself?
I study successful people. I guess they mastered the art of being a better version of themselves than they were yesterday. So, I’ll discuss their methods. I may be wrong, I may not cover all the angles, but these are
What Daily Habit Will Make Your Life Simpler? (4 Examples)
Every habit makes your life simpler… unless, of course, it complicates your life. There is no middle ground here. Each habit either serves you, provides some benefits and makes your life a bit simpler OR does you a disservice and
How to Build Willpower, Self-discipline and Perseverance?
One can build willpower by eating only a millet for two weeks. One can build self-discipline by taking cold showers 10 times a day. One can build perseverance by maintaining the same workout regime (e.g. a 5-mile run) every single
4 Unproductive Thinking Habits that Suck Your Life Dry
When you think about lack of productivity, think of its opposites. What connotes with them? Of course, organization, clarity, can-do attitude and a few others. Unproductive thinking habits are their alter egos. Lack of productivity starts in your mind, so
How to Fight off Overthinking and Self-Doubt
There is a plethora of techniques to draw from in order to limit overthinking and self-doubt. But the first most important step is to realize you have this problem and decide to do something about it. Without this decision, no
My Four Daily Rituals to Stay Laser-Focused
My foremost ritual to stay laser-focused is my morning ritual. It takes me about 40 minutes to finish, and it has very little to do with any task I perform on an everyday basis. But it reminds me what is
99 Habit Success Stories
Ludvig Ludvig started meditating around five years ago and saw some great results. Then after about a year and a half he added power napping into his daily schedule, for around ten minutes at a time, sometimes multiple times a
Habits that Will Make You a Millionaire – Part III of 3
A few days ago I shared another three habits that will make you a millionaire. Today it’s time for the last three. 7. Frugality. Live below your means. It seems so simple, yet it’s not easy. You cannot become a
Habits that Will Make You a Millionaire – Part II of 3
A few days ago I shared the first three habits that will make you a millionaire. Today it’s time for three more. 4. Know Thyself. “Success in the knowledge economy comes to those who know themselves–their strengths, their values, and