Once you have some track record, you can turn your time data into money data. When you finally know how much time you are working, and you know how much money you are making, you can attribute a monetary value
How to Stop Wasting Your Time in Business
In the previous article, I described how the “I don’t know where it all goes” fallacy regarding money kills the majority of the small businesses, and how to easily prevent it. In this article, I’ll tackle the same excuse, but
Principles #3&4 Separating Successful Entrepreneurs from Those Who Went out of Business
3. Un-isolation. We are social animals. We need others to excel. That’s the human nature. Isolation is the enemy of excellence.” – Aaron Walker However, being a solopreneur is a lonely occupation by definition. It doesn’t get much better when
4 Things to Do when You Lost a Battle for Productivity
Photo by Keira Burton from Pexels I’ve just had a strange week. I had perfect circumstances to be highly productive — I rested on a weekend at the PwC’s (my employer) getaway; my wife started a new job and she was away from
4 Unproductive Thinking Habits that Suck Your Life Dry
When you think about lack of productivity, think of its opposites. What connotes with them? Of course, organization, clarity, can-do attitude and a few others. Unproductive thinking habits are their alter egos. Lack of productivity starts in your mind, so
Master Your Time in 10 Minutes a Day launches tomorrow!
I am so excited to announce that my latest book officially launches on Amazon Kindle tomorrow, Tuesday, January 28th! It will be on free promotion until Friday, January 31st! A lot of work has gone into writing the book and
Time Management – The Sand-Grains Method
The following post is a sneak peek into my latest book, Master Your Time in 10 Minutes a Day, which officially launched on Amazon Kindle Free Promotion on January 28th. This post discusses content found in Chapter 11 – THE
My latest ebook, "Master Your Time in 10 Minutes A Day" launches soon!
Time management. Few concepts are so necessary, yet so dreaded. Volumes of information have been written about the topic, yet so many people still go through life scattered, stressed and stretched thin by the daily grind. Too many of the
Stop Junk Mail! A simple method to get rid of spam using an email management system
Introduction In February 2013, nearly 70% of all email traffic around the world was spam and phishing. Sadly, this number remains fairly stable throughout the months and years. There seems to be no pattern for the spammed mailboxes. You can