You never know what you have started by the simplest act. The more so, by some great (or just consistent) work.
Write a book and change people’s lives. Keep a blog and change people’s lives. Make a movie or a song and change people’s lives. Do business and change people’s lives.
Everything you do has some effect on others.

Man’s social nature makes it evident that the progress of the human person and the advancement of society itself hinge on one another.
Gaudem et spes, Part I, Chapter II, 25

You don’t have to be creative; you just have to do something.

The book The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson was an incentive for me to transform my life. Later on I discovered that most of his philosophy was borrowed from his mentor, Jim Rohn. I listened to Rohn’s audio program, where he used the exact phrases Jeff Olson used in writing his book. It doesn’t matter. I stumbled upon The Slight Edge first and it was the breakthrough for me.


So, Jeff wrote his book and many things had happened in my life.
I had been giving to charities about 2.4% of my income, now it’s almost 4%. Some sick children, some Godly works have more resources, because of his book.
I started a website and 3 blogs.
People read them, are inspired by them, learn from them. Because of his book.
I published 3 books on Amazon. About 2-3 thousand people have already read them. My books are yet another source of inspiration or knowledge for them. Because Jeff wrote a book.

A product launch

One more story. Once upon a time (February 2013), the millionaire Bernard Burchard decided to launch a product, “Expert Academy”. He put some free videos on the Web in order to promote the launch. I watched them. Bernard gave a challenge in his video—he would give 5 tickets to his event and pay for the plane tickets among his audience members, who would make their own videos with the 5 lessons on life.


I was trying to overcome my shyness by talking to strangers at that time. I was sitting on a train and writing the script for my video. One of its points was: “Take an action”. I noticed that a lady sitting next to me on the train was praying. I wanted to ask her about her intentions, but I was too shy. However I just had written “take an action”. I couldn’t hold to my integrity without asking her.
So I asked and I found out that she had two very ill grandchildren, one cardiac, and the other one autistic. Their parents were struggling financially. I’ve been helping them since that time.
Because Bernard was launching his program.

And there is more to it.

The lady’s son in law is an atheist; he more or less makes fun of her Christian beliefs.
The fact that a stranger is donating money for his son, solely because of the prayer of his mother in law, is something he cannot understand. It’s totally opposite to his worldview, where everybody cares only for his own.
He didn’t convert, but it’s a breach in his philosophy. Maybe, with time, it will transform into something greater.
Because Bernard was launching his program. Because Jeff wrote his book (if I didn’t read The Slight Edge, I wouldn’t speak to strangers or look for study materials online).

An application

Tony Stubblebine decided to work on a new project after developing a successful business. Something which would help people in reaching their goals. He built an application called Lift. It helps to develop good habits, get rid of bad ones and track your progress.
I joined Lift at the beginning of October 2013. I have tracked my habits diligently since November 2012. I am good at it. But Lift helped me to improve even more.


I had difficulties coping with the multitude of my habits. I neglected some, especially talking to strangers, because it’s so hard for me. During the 69 days before joining Lift I actually talked to a stranger only 12 times. During the first 16 days after joining it I talked to a stranger 13 times!
Ten people who I didn’t know before had a chance to have a quick word with me. I don’t know how that impacted their lives exactly, those were random encounters. I complimented a few of them; maybe they feel better about themselves now.
One thing I know. If not for Tony’s application they wouldn’t have had this experience.


Brain Tracy decided to join forces with Craig Ballantyne and he promoted Craig’s Transformational Contest. I was on Brian’s list, got to know about the contest and joined it.
Now I have friends in New Zealand, Malaysia, UK, USA, Canada and a few more places on Earth.
Because Brian Tracy sent me an email.

The ripples from hereafter

Jim Rohn is dead. But he influenced my life even from beyond the grave. I listened to many speakers, coaches, personal development masters. However I can relate best to his story, his experiences. I trust him. And he affects my life throughout time, distance and dimensions, because he did some work in the past. He recorded his audio programs, gave interviews and wrote books.
His teachings help me to persevere, to keep going, to strive for a better life. I wouldn’t achieve it all without him.

The ripples from hereafter p. II

Over a century ago, a nun heard the voice of a tormented soul from the purgatory. She was reluctant to do this, but she was obedient and she wrote down her conversations with that soul. “The Manuscript on Purgatory” has been my daily lecture since November 2012. It’s impossible to estimate its impact on my spiritual life. Gauging the spirit is not something we are good at 😉 The one measurable effect is that I pray every day for the departed.
Because Maria didn’t listen to her fears, because she was obedient, because she wrote her journal.

The butterfly effect

Those people influenced my life and the life of others through me, over time and distance. None of them knew (or know) me in person.
The impact on the people you know personally is even greater. I remember every praise, every encouragement I’ve gotten from my friends and family, when I was going through the dark valleys.

You may never know what results come of your actions, but if you do nothing, there will be no results.
― Mahatma Gandhi

So give praise and encouragement. Do something with your life. Write a book, keep a blog, sing a song. Do something, anything. You never know how the ripples which you started by your action will affect the people on the other side of the globe.
People who you may never know.

The Ripple Effect

2 thoughts on “The Ripple Effect

  • July 17, 2014 at 1:41 am

    Hello, Michael. I came across your blog from Steve Scott’s Facebook page.

    After reading your post on The Accurate Future Reading, I started to read up more of your posts here and found this particular one. Dare I say, there’s no coincidence? Day to day, I’ve struggled to sit down and write. To actually do the work. The message you’ve conveyed in this post gave me a sense of hope.

    Thank you so much for doing the work you’re doing. You’ve definitely created a ripple and inspired me.


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