In the last six years I learned a lot. But I will only share most significant lessons from my personal transformation; the ones that made a huge difference because I actually applied them. I found a lot more of groundbreaking
The Reality of The Slight Edge
Change takes time. Your mind does not really comprehend the flow of time. That’s the main reason why you struggle. You live in the current moment. When you go back to past thinking about certain events, you don’t treat it
You Are Cursed: Unlock Your Big Potential
You are cursed since your birthday. We all are, because we live in a cursed society. Practically every single of us lives with this curse. We grew up with it. We didn’t even notice it. We accepted it, like a
Power up Your Self-Talk and Reclaim Your Life
There is very little “self” in self-help. I already said that self-help is a big fat lie. However, there are still areas where outside help can do very little for you. Self-talk is the most important of them and I
3 Simple Habits to Change Your Personality for Good
Your personality is the conglomerate of your habits because your habits shape you into who you are. Thus, to transform your personality, you need keystone habits – the habits that beget the creation of more good habits without much effort.
Is Continuous Self-improvement a Skill that Can Be Learned?
Yes and no. No, because it’s not a skill. You cannot say that being a great doctor or a great basketball player is a skill. It’s a whole skillset that makes a person a doctor or player. There are many
4 Proven Ways to Change Your Life (Two Are Really Easy!)
I’m fascinated by the topic of changing one’s life, because I changed my own and I help others to do the same. I found the most convincing methods set out by BJ Fogg, a head of Persuasive Lab at the
How to Become the Best Version of Yourself?
I study successful people. I guess they mastered the art of being a better version of themselves than they were yesterday. So, I’ll discuss their methods. I may be wrong, I may not cover all the angles, but these are
How to Build Willpower, Self-discipline and Perseverance?
One can build willpower by eating only a millet for two weeks. One can build self-discipline by taking cold showers 10 times a day. One can build perseverance by maintaining the same workout regime (e.g. a 5-mile run) every single
How Finding Your “Why” Can Improve Everything (and 3 main mistakes we commit in searching for our burning desire)
One picture is better than thousands of words, and one short and punchy video is better than 1,000 pictures. So watch this video of Michael Jr. where he not only explains, but demonstrates what a difference it makes having your