Method to Developing Persistence
The first method to developing persistence is described here.

The next tool is a vision board. A vision board is literally any type of board on which you display images that represent whatever you want to be, do, or have in your life.

Humans think in images. Whenever you recall a memory, concept, idea, or event, the accompanying pictures automatically materialize in your mind. By referring to your vision board, you reverse this association. You induce your mind to contemplate concepts and ideas by observing the pictures connoted with them.

To create one, you just need a bunch of pictures which associate with a specific goal. In comparison to the personal mission statement, a big asset of a vision board is that it’s easy to use―just place it in a visible spot where you are sure to look a few times a day. For example, you can place it on your closet door―every time you dress, you’ll look at your vision board and be reminded about your goal.


This word conveys three meanings which are interconnected:

  1. a series of thoughts, visions, or feelings that happen during sleep
  2. an idea or vision that is created in your imagination and is not real
  3. something that you have wanted very much to do, be, or have for a long time

From these meanings, I want to highlight that they involve thoughts, visions, and feelings, which all happen only in your mind.

The problem with dreams is that they come true. It annoys materialists beyond imagination (pun intended). For me, the second meaning should be modified to “vision in imagination that is not yet real.”

Dreams employ images and are better than a vision board―you can always carry images from dreams with you. You can visualize in practically any moment and any situation. When I was fighting my shyness of strangers, I visualized during my commute to work during rush hour, in crowded buses and trains. You can sit and meditate upon your dream in peace and quiet in the morning at your apartment or you can recall a picture of your dream when running to the bus stop. Visualization is unbelievably flexible. However, the vision board, especially when strategically placed in a highly visible place, has one advantage over visualizations. You spend almost zero energy using it. The board just happens to appear in your sight and you are instantly reminded about your goal.


Unfortunately, visualizations require a bit more effort on your part. You have to remember to do them and you must actually do them. Wallace D. Wattles, one of the fathers of Law of Attraction and the author of “Science of Getting Rich,” wrote that

There is no labor from which most people shrink as they do from that of sustained and consecutive thought. It is the hardest work in the world.

I completely agree with him and I think it’s the main explanation behind the less-than-advertised effectiveness of LoA in the real world.


Dreams stir strong emotions. They can act as your turbo boost whenever you feel low. And that combines with visualization perfectly. The more emotions attached to the pictures in your mind, the less likely you will forget about them. If you remember a task or habit, a good chunk of the battle has been won. Now you just need to perform it.

However, emotions can be a two-edged sword. If you passionately want something, let’s say a great body, when you fail to act in accordance with your vision (you eat burger instead of salad), you are also more likely to beat yourself up. A single misstep can cause a much stronger and more negative emotional reaction on your part than it really deserves.

High Performance

And there is another problem with dreams and visualizations. They are “coo-coo.” Only lunatics do such things and it is below your dignity, right?

Well, not exactly. When I was doing research for my book “From Shy to Hi,” guess what Google spit out when I typed in “self-talk?” The stories and research about top sport performers. While common folks focus on training methods and intervals, the equipment and other material factors, top performers focus on what’s happening in their minds.

Of course I don’t encourage you to lay on your back and dream about the bright future, when you will be consistent like a machine. Doing things get things done. But if you want top-level consistency, you should use the techniques practiced by top performers. Dream.

When asked about my consistency I initially wrote a blog post. My friend kept asking me questions about my grit, so I wrote a whole book about developing consistency.

Consistency For You

The Art of Persistence is available on Amazon for free till the 7th of April 2015. Download and enjoy it.

My close friends nicknamed me “Mr. Consistency.” I hope you’ll get similar nick after reading this book 😉

The Second Method to Developing Persistence

8 thoughts on “The Second Method to Developing Persistence

  • March 26, 2015 at 2:10 pm

    Do you have an image of your vision board somewhere?

    Or would you be interested in emailing me a print screen / picture?

    You showed me your mission statement / prayer board before. But I’m wondering if this is different.

  • March 27, 2015 at 12:22 am

    Hi Michal,

    I love the vision board idea. I use affirmations and have considered a vision board too but just never got around to it. I want to much and visualize to much!

    I never know what to include. I’ll let you know what I add when I do create one 🙂

    Thanks, Naomi

    • March 27, 2015 at 10:46 am

      I have poor imagination, but it doesn’t change the fact that we are visual to the bone. I put quite recently a wall calendar and a blackboard in my home office, so I have visual reminders about my tasks all the time. It made a positive difference in my productivity.

    • March 29, 2015 at 6:13 pm

      If you have a commonplace I would suggest creating a section in it. If you’d like to see mine, email me and I’ll show you.

  • April 3, 2015 at 1:46 pm

    “People think in images”.
    That’s right, and not only that, but their subconscious self speaks the language of images.
    In my martial arts studio, I’ve often done this exercise with people: First, I’ll say “Take a deep breath.”
    Then after that first deep breath I’ll say, “Now don’t actually DO this… but IMAGINE reaching both hands up over your head, arching your back and then taking a deep breath. Don’t do it… imagine it only. Now, take another deep breath.”
    Students always report a deeper, more full and satisfying breath the second time.
    When they use an IMAGE to tell their body what to do, it communicates more fully the instruction to the body than just the WORDS, “take a deep breath”.
    Likewise, your vision board communicates what you are allowing yourself to desire and pursue much more than a simple affirmation. BOTH are helpful… but the visual element really adds to the effect.
    Thanks for this post, Michal! And for everything you are doing. You are an example to me, especially with your exercise posts about pushups and other bodyweight exercises. The art of persistence may be practiced in a myriad of beneficial ways, but it’s the persistence itself that’s to be appreciated and developed.
    Keep Stepping,

    • April 3, 2015 at 2:57 pm

      Thanks for the value added Kurt.
      Regarding imagination I feel like a person who discovered she has another limb. I still can use it, but feebly, so your vivid input is highly appreciated.


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