In the first article in the How to Beat an Isolation as a Business Owner Series I explained how isolation turns smart business owners into morons. Today, read about the other side of the coin: success stories of collaboration in business.

I have an aesthetic taste of a brick and I didn’t know that. When I started my author career, my Fiverr designers created covers for my books according to my guidelines… and they were absolutely terrible!

While working on my third book, I’d already connected with other authors in Facebook groups. When I shared a mock cover for my next book, one guy from the group took pity on me and made a much better cover for me, for free. Then, he revamped covers for my first two books.

The results? With the release of Learn to Read with Great Speed, I finally broke the 100 sales in a month. When my fifth book became a bestseller three months later, I sold well over 200 copies of my previous books that month.

In September 2015, I joined a paid mastermind. The fee was $500 a month, and honestly, I couldn’t afford it. But I was invited personally by the millionaire who led that mastermind, and the first month was on him. In the worst-case scenario, I would’ve had a new experience.

Photo by ICSA in

David Rhodes, one of the mastermind’s members, got on a call with me and, within less than two hours, he examined the side gig I had and figured out how I can double my fees overnight. It was glaringly obvious when he presented the solution, but I simply couldn’t see that on my own. I’ve been in the Iron Sharpens Iron mastermind since then.

In December 2021, I got a new coaching client. She struggled a lot with her business. She was an excellent saleswoman, but everything else in her business limped along: cash flow, prospecting, time management, organization… Thus, she just had a 5-figure month in November and was left with one small project in December.

We worked every week, and I patiently pointed out all the blind spots I noticed. She started to track her finances, got a grip on her taxes, started prospecting consistently, and filled her pipeline.

I had no clue about her specific business. I just observed it from the outside with a fresh eye. Currently, she is getting new projects left and right, and she books new clients for November (it’s July!). Her revenue stabilized, and most importantly, she keeps more of it. Only because she had someone to talk with for an hour a week.

Read other articles in the How to Beat an Isolation as a Business Owner Series:
Three Collaboration Success Stories in My Business
How Not to Be Lonely at the Top
Solopreneurship Is a Myth

Three Collaboration Success Stories in My Business

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